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« 許せる人が強い | トップページ | 道徳性不在の信用取引 »

2008年10月 6日 (月)


 処刑することで、政府は、この国を大いに挑発しました。バガッド・シンたちを救えるのではないかというかすかな希望が、交渉や話し合いによって芽生えていただけに、私にとってもショックなことでした。彼らを救えなかったために、若い人々が私に腹を立てたとしても、私は驚いたりはしません。しかし、私が彼らに腹を立てる理由はありません。まず言えることは、このようなことがあったのは、私の人生で初めてのことではありません。人類に奉仕することが使命だと宣言している者は、奉仕する相手に腹を立ててはならないのです。私にとって非暴力が、私の信条ですから、私は誰に対しても腹を立てることがあってはいけないのです。たとえ、非暴力を信条としていなくても、ご主人様に腹を立てないのが、本物の僕としての義務です。僕であれば、怒りはタブーです。 もし、怒りをこらえられないのであれば、その人は、人類の奉仕者であることを辞めるべきです。私は辞めたくありませんので、彼らには怒る権利があっても、私にはないと申し上げているのです。しかし、私は彼らに次のことは言っておかねばなりません。この若い人たちが生まれた頃よりもずっと前から、私は農民や労働者のために働いてきたのです。私は彼らの中に入って暮らしてきました。彼らと運命をともにしてきました。奉仕の誓いを立ててから、私は人類のために、自らの頭脳を奉げてきました。私の頭を叩き落すことは、まったくたやすいことです。どんな準備も、組織作りも必要ありません。私は誰かに警護してもらおうとは思ったことは一度もありません。実際、自分の身を守ろうと考えるのは、意味のないことです。と言いますのも、私を守れるのは、全能の神だけだと私は知っているからです。ここまで述べた上で、はっきり申し上げておきたいのですが、昨日の若者たちの意思表示は、私を怒らせるどころか、私はむしろうれしかったのです。彼らに無作法なところはなかったからです。彼らは私に手を出すこともできましたが、そうしないで、私のボディーガードとなって、自動車のところまで付き添ってくれたのです。彼らを目にした時は、本当のところ、暴徒に囲まれて襲われた南アフリカでの出来事がまた繰り返されるのかと、思ってしまいました。
 なぜそうなのかを説明しましょう。先の闘争で栄光に輝く働きをした女性や子ども達は皆、もし我々が暴力の道を求めていたなら、同じことをしたでしょうか? 彼らは今ここにいるでしょうか? 世界一従順だといわれるこの国の女性たちは、白いサリーが流れる血で真っ赤に染まるまで、ラティ(棍棒)が振り下ろされる中で立っていたガンガーベーンのような女性たちは、もし我々の中に暴力があったなら、このようなユニークな働きをなしたでしょうか? 神の名を称えながら、ガンガーベーンやその他の女性たちは、心に怒りを抱くこともなく、果敢にも抑圧者に対する不服従を貫いたのです。そして、子どもたちです。おもちゃを、凧や、爆竹で遊ぶのをあきらめて、スワラージの兵士として加わったこの純真な者たちを、どうして暴力的な闘争に参加させることができるでしょうか? 我々が、何百万もの男性、女性、子どもたちを兵士として募ることができたのは、非暴力の誓いを立てていたからです。若者達には、忍耐と自制を養って欲しいと強く要請します。怒りによって、前に進むことはできません英国人を敵であると見なす必要はありません。彼らに対しては、サッティヤーグラハ(真理に基づいた非暴力抵抗運動)を活用してきました。しかし、彼らを敵であると考えたことは一度もありません。私は彼らを変えたいと思いました。そしてそれをなしうる唯一の方法は、愛によってなのです。乱暴な示威行動は、役に立ちません。そのような行為によって、バガット・シンを生き返らせることができるでしょうか? そのようなことをしても、スワラージの到来を遅らせるだけです。我々が腹を立てるのも当然であるような挑発行為を政府がなしたことは、私も認めます。しかし、結果をすぐに欲しがる若い人たちには、神の名において、敬愛する祖国の名において、非暴力の闘争に全身全霊を注いでいただきたいと、切にお願いします。40年間途切れることなく、非暴力を実践してきたこの私の経験を信頼していただきたいのです。


カラチ国民会議でのスピーチ  1931年3月26日
ヤングインディア 1931年4月2日

  By the executions the Government have given the nation grave cause for provocation. It has shocked me too inasmuch as my negotiations and talks had made me entertain a distant hope that Bhagat Singh might be saved. I am not surprised that young men are angry with me for not having been able to save them. But I have no reason to be angry with them. For one thing, this is not the first occasion of its kind in my life. It is the duty of him who claims to serve humanity not to be angry with those whom he is serving. As for myself non-violence being my creed, I cannot afford to be angry with anybody. But even if it is not his creed, it is the duty of a genuine servant not to be angry with his masters. Anger ought to be taboo with him. But if he cannot help being angry, hemust abdicate his function as servant of humanity. I for one do not want to do so and therefore I said they had a right to be angry, not I.  But I must tell them I had been serving the peasants and workers long before the young men were born. I have lived amongst them, cast my lot with them. Ever since I took the pledge of service, I have dedicated my head to humanity. It is the easiest thing in the world to chop off my head, it does not take the slightest preparation or organization. And outside protection I have never sought. In fact it is futile to think of protecting me for I know that God Almighty is the only Protector. Having said this, let me declare that the demonstrations of the young men yesterday far from making me angry delighted me, inasmuch as there was no discourtesy about them.  They might have laid hands on me; instead, they formed my bodyguard and escorted me to my car. I must confess that when I saw them, I felt that my experiences in South Africa, where I was mobbed and assaulted, were going to be repeated.
  But there was no cause for apprehension. The young men were simply shouting, “Gandhi go back”, “Down with Gandhism”. They had a right to do so inasmuch as they thought that I had not done everything in my power to save Bhagat Singh, or that being a believer in ahimsa, I had simply neglected Bhagat Singh and his comrades. But they had no intention to molest me or for the matter of that anyone else. They allowed everyone to pass, and then a young man handed to me flowers made of black cloth. They might have thrown them on me and insulted me, but they had no such intention. Flowers are given me everywhere, I am usually indifferent about them, even when they are received from dear sisters and sometimes even chide them for wasting the flowers on me. But these I seized and have treasured them. I shall also tell you what I want to do with them. If the young men come and tell me that they should not have been angry and that their suspicions about me were groundless and that therefore they want the flowers returned to them, I shall gladly give them back. But if they do not do so, they will be sent to the Ashram to be preserved as heirlooms.
  Those young men wanted to proclaim to the world that how-ever great the Mahatma may be, they were sure that he was doing harm to India. I think they had a right to expose me, if they felt that I was betraying the country. I want you to understand my attitude. I cannot behave otherwise with these young men inasmuch as I want to win them over by love. Having flung aside the sword, there is nothingexcept the cup of love which I can offer to those who oppose me. It is by offering that cup that I expect to draw them close to me. I cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing as I do in the theory of rebirth, I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all humanity in friendly embrace.
  I have dwelt at length on this little episode, in order that you may not think ill of the young men. Do not seek to protect me. The Most High is always there to protect us all. You may be sure that when my time is up, no one, not even the most renowned physician in the world, can stand between Him and me.
  And now a message for the young men. If you want my service, do not disown me; come and understand everything from me. You must know that it is against my creed to punish even a murderer, a thief or a dacoit. There can be therefore no excuse for suspicion that I did not want to save Bhagat Singh. But I want you also to realize Bhagat Singh's error. If I had had an opportunity of speaking to Bhagat Singh and his comrades, I should have told them that the way they pursued was wrong and futile. I declare that we cannot win swaraj for our famishing millions, for our deaf and dumb, for our lame and crippled, by the way of the sword. With the Most High as witness I want to proclaim this truth that the way of violence cannot bring swaraj, it can only lead to disaster. I wish to tell these young men with all the authority with which a father can speak to his children that the way of violence can only lead to perdition.
  I shall explain to you why.  Do you think that all the women and the children who covered themselves with glory during the last campaign would have done so if we had pursued the path of violence? Would they have been here today? Would our women known as the meekest on earth, would women like Gangabehn, who stood the lathi-blows until her white sari was drenched in blood, have done the unique service they did if we had violence in us? With God's name on their lips she and her sisters hurled defiance at their oppressors, without anger in their hearts. And our children. How could you have had these innocent ones, who renounced their toys, their kites and their crackers, and joined as soldiers of swaraj--how could you have enlisted them in a violent struggle? We were able to enlist as soldiers millions of men, women and children because we were pledged to non-violence. I beseech the young men to have patience and self-control.  Anger cannot take us forward. We need not consider the Englishmen as our enemies. I have used satyagraha against them but have never thought of them as enemies. I want to convert them and the only way is the way of love. Rowdy demonstrations cannot help us. Could they call Bhagat Singh back to life? They can only retard the advent of swaraj. I agree that the Government has given sufficient cause for provocation, but I want the impatient youth in the name of God, in the name of our dear Motherland, to throw themselves heart and soul in the non-violent struggle. I ask them to trust my unbroken experience of forty years of the practice of non-violence.
  But if they will not, they might kill me but they cannot kill Gandhism. If Truth can be killed Gandhism can be killed. If non-violence can be killed Gandhism can be killed. For what is Gandhism but winning swaraj by means of truth and non-violence? Will they refuse swaraj attained through truth and non-violence? I ask them therefore not to mar the wonderful work done by the workers of Sind.  The workers have in the course of three weeks created this Congressnagar, so that swaraj for the peasant, the labourer, the scavenger--all of whom have worked cheek by jowl in creating this city of huts--the lame and the blind, the starving and the well-fed, the wretch and the poor, may soon be a living reality. I beseech you not to mar the beautiful work they have done.
  This leads me to the events in Cawnpore which has been a scene of carnage. This is due largely to the violence we had harboured against one another. It is the handwriting on the wall. Though we have shown ourselves capable of limited non-violence, we have harboured violence in our hearts, we have been guilty of using coercion. The papers allege that Cawnpore Hindus went mad over Bhagat Singh's martyrdom and started with intimidating the Mussalmans who would not close their shops in Bhagat Singh's honour. You know the sequel.  I am quite sure that if the spirit of Bhagat Singh is watching what is happening in Cawnpore today, he would feel deeply humiliated and ashamed. I say this for I have heard him described as a man of honour. And what havoc we have done! Women insulted! Children done to death! Let no Hindu comfort himself with the thought that they were Mussalman children; let no Mussalman feel happy in the knowledge that it is Hindu children who have been killed. I do not know their religion. Let it be recognized that both Hindus and Mussalmans had lost their senses. They were all children of the soil, children of our common Motherland.
  I have felt deeply ashamed of these deeds of blood, and to whoever my voice may reach I wish to declare that such things may any day prove more than I can bear. How can we, with Hindus and Mussalmans slaughtering one another, continue to assert that we have been non-violent? How can I, a votary of truth, hug the belief that we as a nation are non-violent if the mischief spreads? If I did so, I would be untrue to myself and to my Maker. With carnage going on about me I cannot bear to live unconcerned. Let me declare, that as soon as I feel that life is unbearable, I should hope to have the courage to fast myself to death rather than witness these blood feuds. You know by this time that I cannot bear denial of pledges solemnly and voluntarily undertaken. I would sooner be dead than see merchants and others break their pledged word, than see those calling themselves Congressmen and swearing by the creed of the Congress break it in their hearts or openly. If I can witness this contradiction with equanimity, with what face can I stand before the world and my Maker? He will tell me I have been living a life of falsehood, a life of sham and fraud. I may not deceive myself and the world. Every moment of my existence is dedicated to the winning of swaraj by means of truth and non-violence.
  I know you will say that that sort of thing has been going on all these years, and I have done nothing to stop it. Penances with me are no mechanical acts. They are done in obedience to the inner voice. I am telling you what has been going on within me all these days. The crisis may never come, either because I am unnecessarily agitated, or because I have lost courage to face reality. I must be true to my Maker, and the moment I feel that life is insupportable for me, I hope not to be found wanting. What better reparation can I do than willing surrender of the body that has ceased to evoke response and may be a hindrance to the discovery of the true way?
  I pleaded with the Viceroy as best I could. I brought all the persuasion at my command to bear on him. .... I poured my whole soul into it, but to no avail. ....
  And it was not I alone who did what was humanly possible.  The revered friend Panditji and Dr. Sapru tried their best. But why should that failure worry us? Success is in God’s hands. Our failure should spur us to greater effort. That effort lies in being true to ourselves, in Hindus and Mussalmans determining to live as brothers in heart unity, merchants and others keeping their voluntary pledges, in workers eschewing violence in thought, word and deed. May God help us tomend our ways. May He help us to be strong enough to be true to ourselves and to Him.

Young India, 2-4-1931

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